Case Instability No More

Back in the saddle again with my desktop. It seems that the power supply was either faulty or not putting out enough power (perhaps even a combination of the two). With a new power supply the box has been stable so far.

This could have been such a simple issue to resolve were it not for the odd combination of symptoms.

In any case, I am glad to be able to run my desktop as trusty old workhorse again.

Responses to “Case Instability No More”

  1. Good Day

    Just wanted to share my new experience.

    If your Windows XP denies to start due to an error related to lost HAL.DLL, invalid Boot.ini or any other critical system boot files you can fix this by using the XP installation CD. Just boot from your XP Setup CD and enter the Recovery Console. Then launch “attrib -H -R -S” on the C:\Boot.ini file and delete it. Run “Bootcfg /Rebuild” and then Fixboot


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