
Our former ISP had stuffed up. I won’t go into details, but the result was that the ADSL connection on our premises was down for nearly two weeks.

That time was used to catch up on some of the things neglected by me: movies, books, photography and spend a bit more time with friends… I also managed to make inroads re the vast backlog of file processing (RAW images, cleaning up newsfeeds and emails). It was like a spring clean in autumn: quelle horreur!

Over the last couple of years I was never disconnected for more than a few days at a time (although some may argue that I have given the impression of being “disconnected” for much longer).

For somebody who spends many hours a day with head buried in virtual worlds it was a nice bit of time off but it was quite a relief to get plugged in again just the same… Wow! I can breathe again…

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