Lightroom: Copy & Paste Develop Settings

Often I take series of photos in difficult light. Because of this, I manually copy & paste a lot of development settings across images in the same series. Mostly I use the sync button after selecting a few images in the filmstrip, but sometimes I prefer to use the context menu. Lightroom however, has placed the develop settings options in different positions in the context menus of the develop module and the library module. This seems counter intuitive, and I for one, simply cannot get used to it.

It would have been much better to place it right underneath “Edit in Adobe Photoshop CS3…” in both modules.

Lightroom library module

Library module

Lightroom develop module

Develop module

I also do not understand the logic behind calling it “Settings” in develop module, and “Develop Settings” in library module: the context menu for both of these are the same (Reset, Copy Settings, Paste Settings, etc). Hopefully, these inconsistencies will be addressed in the next Lightroom release.

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