Archive for the 'miscellaneous' category

Copyright & Intellectual Property vs. Public Domain

The often heated discussion about copyright, intellectual property, fair use, & public domain remains an interesting one. Of course it is of special interest to me as a person who produces nearly as much content as I consume. And while most people will agree with the need for certain protections of intellectual property, most people will also agree that that side of the equation will need to be balanced with provisions in law that allow innovation, free speech and contributions to our cultural landscape to flourish.

The Center for the Study of the Public Domain, a non profit organisation at Duke Law School, has made available a worthwhile read in the form of a comic. It examines the legal & ethical boundaries of copyright and intellectual property versus public domain, and the impact that these boundaries have on our society. How far should we go in protecting property? When should people be allowed to use material for their creative pursuits?

The public domain is the realm of material—ideas, images, sounds, discoveries, facts, texts—that is unprotected by intellectual property rights and free for all to use or build upon. Our economy, culture and technology depend on a delicate balance between that which is, and is not, protected by exclusive intellectual property rights. Both the incentives provided by intellectual property and the freedom provided by the public domain are crucial to the balance. But most contemporary attention has gone to the realm of the protected.

The Center for the Study of the Public Domain

So, if this issue is of concern to you, make sure you check out the comic.

Cover of Bound By Law comic

Inject Some Fun Into Politics?

Why not?

Al Franken may still win his seat in the US senate as Minnesota representative. If he does, will he still be allowed to tell the truth (with jokes) ?

As a comedian, former Saturday Night Live writer and political commentator as well as radio host, Al Franken can already look back on a long and at times controversial career.

Max Roach

This week we had to say goodbye to another legendary musician. Max Roach passed away at age 83.

He performed in bands led by Dizzy Gillespie, Charlie Parker, Thelonious Monk, Miles Davis and collaborated with many more.

Go PHP 5

Great initiative: the PHP community is pushing for upgrade to v5. It certainly is about time.

Alternative Search Engines

When the throne has been occupied by the same smelly obese opulent king for too long we should be concerned. Even more so if the king’s predatory tendencies make him obliterate any and all competition and is showing no signs whatsoever of being content with anything but complete world domination. Competition is a healthy thing. All fields of business (and government) should have plenty of it.